Double Cone vacuum dryer by BachillerBachiller closes a new contract for the manufacture of a new vacuum dryer for a pharmaceutical company in Israel.
It’s a Bicuum, a double cone vacuum dryer with rotary drum, suitable for ultra-vacuum drying of all types of moist, crystalline and amorphous thermo-sensitive products.

The Bicuum vacuum dryer consists of a fully heated and insulated drum, which rotates at low speeds while being subjected to a strong vacuum, which continuously renews the product in contact with the hot walls.


  • Mechanical simplicity, low maintenance required.
  • Full tightness.
  • The very low weight of the product – power consumption ratio.
  • Easy to clean and inspect.
  • Repetitive, reproducible and easy to scale processes


Detail of a double cone vacuum dryer by Bachiller

Secador al Vacío de Doble Cono Bicuum de Bachiller

Double cone vacuum dryer by Bachiller